4. ‘Don’t worry about getting THE “perfect” shot. Some people really like and want to get that one photo where everyone is looking at the camera and smiling. There’s nothing wrong with that! But in my opinion, the more authentic shots where you are tickling your kids, laughing at your husband, or all gazing at each other are much more memorable and beautiful.
5. Help your photographer out, but also, get out of the way! I realise this sounds a bit contradictory, and it is a fine line. While I say try to relax, I don’t mean let your kids run wild. But also don’t try to control every little thing they do, because they will likely again just act out even more. So I guess it’s kinda like that old saying your mother used to tell you, “pick your battles.” And just don’t leave your photographer to do all the work to get your kid to smile, ya know?